Black Country FDAC

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How we can help

We are here to support families who are in care proceedings as a result of the impact that parental substance misuse has had on the children.

We offer an alternative and more successful way to support parents. We help them overcome a range of things. This includes substance misuse, mental health issues and domestic abuse problems that have put children at risk.

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"I had open and honest conversations with my workers. I was not judged, and workers were understanding.

FDAC court made me open up more and feel less nervous because I had my FDAC key worker next to me. I spoke with the judge personally instead of my lawyer which made me more confident. What's going well and what's not going well addressed. I felt that FDAC court gives you enough time to say everything than the normal court. I felt I was given the best chance possible to make the changes necessary." - feedback from a parent


Referrals to Black Country FDAC are limited to:

  • Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council
  • Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
  • Sandwell Children’s Trust

If you're a social worker who works with families that could benefit from our service, please do get in touch.

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"The fairness is mostly derived from the two following questions; the fact that this is a more transparent proceeding and gives parents a better understanding of what is expected of them.

The holistic approach means that all the parents’ needs are identified and supported, from parenting support to housing needs as well as substance misuse. The practitioners are very empowering and their interventions are tailored to the family’s needs.

FDAC has been a good way of working for this family in that the mother was particularly motivated to make changes however lacked trust in the local authority based on her past experiences. The relationship-building undertaken by FDAC has supported a high support high challenge relationship to be developed and has also supported the rebuilding of the relationship with the LA." - feedback from a social worker

Contact us

Phone: 07741 326 245.

Email: [email protected]

Please note, this email address isn't secure. Don't include any personal or identifiable information in your email.

Or, if you have a CJSM email account you can contact us on: [email protected]

Black Country FDAC Webinar

A short presentation delivered by our team explaining how to access support for your families, followed by a question and answer session from a range of partner agencies.


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"FDAC provides and instills the tools an individual will need to move towards abstinence, but it is the individual that has to take accountability of their usage and maintenance of sobriety achieved.

Each step of the way the support provided to the parent is clear and communicated in various ways to try and encourage and support engagement from the parent. Parents are truly supported and encouraged to engage and the tenacity of FDAC workers is commendable." - CAFCASS feedback