Drug and Alcohol Service - Southwark

The team in Southwark

How we can help you

If you are looking to change your relationship with alcohol or drugs, we can help. We can also help anyone who is worried about a family member or friend. 

How we can help:

We can help you to change your direction, grow as a person, and live life to its full potential. 

We’re a free and confidential service open to anyone experiencing difficulties with drugs or alcohol.

We offer a range of options including workshops and one-to-one key working sessions. The support we give can be done on the phone or on a video call, or we can arrange to see you face-to-face. 

Treatment options

  • Range of tailored interventions to suit individual needs, including 1:1 and groupwork
  • Clinical support including prescribing options
  • Recovery support, including education, training and employment advice
  • Harm reduction and overdose prevention information: including naloxone
  • Range of detox and aftercare options for those with physical dependency
  • Support for people with involvement in the criminal justice system or subject to court order
  • Support for those sleeping rough and at risk of homelessness
  • Access to peer support, and a range of peer led activities
  • Onward referrals to a range of specialist services

We also have needle exchange where you can get harm reduction advice, blood-borne virus testing (including HIV and Hepatitis C), naloxone training and access to other services.

We run a variety of weekly groups (see our timetable). Please get in touch to find out more about how you can join.

We can help you to find the tools you need to meet your goals, as well as any extra support you need along the way. 

We have two locations – find out more about each of them below.

Our team at events

Contact us

If you would like to talk about your drug or alcohol use, or any related issues, please visit one of our two hubs, where you’ll meet a welcoming and professional member of our recovery staff team.

You can also call us first if you would like to find out more before coming in.

During your first appointment, we will carry out an assessment of your needs and goals. We will also discuss how we can work with you to achieve those goals. Our service operates with strict confidentiality.

You can call us on 020 3404 7699 or email us on [email protected]

Camberwell Road

Here’s the local info for our Camberwell Road hub. This is where you'll see our clinical team and collect your prescription.

Opening times

*Adult evening service appointments are available on Tuesdays from 16:00 - 20:00 by appointment only.

To book an appointment, please contact your Key Worker or phone 02034047699

  • Monday10:00 - 16:00
  • Tuesday*10:00 - 20:00
  • Wednesday13:30 - 16:00
  • Thursday10:00 - 16:00
  • Friday10:00 - 16:00

Find us

  • 146 Camberwell Road
    London SE5 0EE

Amelia Street

Here’s the local info for our Amelia Street hub.

Opening times

**Children and families evening appointments are available on Thursdays from 15:00 - 20:00 by appointment only.

To book an appointment, please contact your Key Worker or phone 02034047699

  • Monday10:00 - 16:00
  • Tuesday10:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday10:00 - 16:00
  • Thursday**10:00 - 20:00
  • Friday10:00 - 16:00

Find us

  • Unit A and B,
    22 Amelia Street
    London SE17 3BZ
Four people are sitting outside on a bench

Family and carers

Are you struggling with the drinking or drug use of a partner, friend or family member? We know how hard that can be. Our Family & Carer Support Service is open to anyone in Southwark affected by someone else's drug and/or alcohol use. You can visit our families support page for more information about how we can support.

You can fill out our Family and Carers referral form for support.

Visit our families support page for more information about how we can support.