Inspire East Lancashire

Our team of Family Coaches, with their own lived experience, will provide support and information for those who have been affected by someone’s drug or alcohol use.
What we offer
Our Family Support Service offers a wide range of support and activities which aim to help those affected to:
- Develop and access peer to peer support
- Build a toolkit to help with resilience and wellbeing
- Feel confident and informed of decisions and choices made in relation to their situation
- Develop a basic understanding of addiction and appropriate education around drugs and alcohol
- Look at hopes and wishes for the future
- Keep safe
Accessing the service
This service is available to anyone living within Lancashire (excluding Blackburn and Blackpool), even if the person you are concerned about is not accessing support or treatment for their drug or alcohol use. We accept referrals from anyone including family members, professionals or direct from the client themselves. You can contact us by email or phone:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0800 652 1961
Additional support
If someone you care about is struggling with drugs or alcohol, we can talk about ways you can help them and discuss the support options available.
You can chat to someone through our national web chat, or visit our wellbeing advice page for more information, advice and support.