Recovery Partnership - Gateshead

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We will work with you to tailor a treatment pathway to best suit your needs depending on the substances you are using and your goals.

We offer:

  • Treatment to help you reduce or stop the harmful use of substances, including opiate based drugs such as heroin and non-opiate drugs such as cannabis, cocaine and alcohol
  • Personalised support based on your needs and what you'd like to achieve
  • One-to-one sessions, groups and workshops
  • Assessment and treatment provided by an experienced team of health care staff, nurses, doctors and non-medical prescribers
  • Support to access detox and residential rehabilitation support if required
  • Advice and support from people who share similar life experiences

Our structured programmes

Your treatment journey will usually involve one or more of our structured programmes.

These are usually made up of courses or a series of group sessions. They will help you to better understand your own recovery and how to build resilience for the future.

Our structured programmed include:

We are always open to receiving feedback to improve the service to ensure it best suits the needs of the people who use it.

You can provide feedback within your appointment, using the feedback boxes around the building or use the link below to complete our pulse survey.