Recovery Service - Forth Valley

Have your say
In each of our sites, we have a ‘Talking Wall’ – this is where you can write anything you want us to know – using chalk on a blackboard wall! Read what others have to say, share your views and feedback. The wall is refreshed each week and we also use it to share the news with you!
We are committed to giving as much information as possible that will help you, your family, carer or other significant person. If you have a question about our service, our support, or anything relating to your support, please get in touch: 0808 196 2188 or email [email protected].

Volunteers are a vital part of the way we set out to deliver our vision. They are a powerful force for change, their support increases the quality, quantity, and accessibility of our services and the range of help we are able to offer.
We want your experience as a volunteer to be positive as we appreciate the time and commitment you are giving to us and our service. As a volunteer, you do not receive monetary payment, but we will invest in you with training, support, and supervision.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us: 0808 1962188

Service user involvement
We believe that those who have direct experience of our services can provide vital expertise about how to make our services work best. A service user is defined as any individual who is the recipient of a service, their families and carers, a former service user, and a potential service user.
Service user feedback and participation ensures our services are responsive to service users’ needs, gives service users a voice, and develops their skills.
If you'd like to find out more, please contact us: 0808 1962188