RESET Treatment and Recovery Support Service

Volunteers are a really important part of our service. You'll give inspiration to people and help them change their lives.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please email: [email protected]

Peer mentors
Many of the people who come into our services are nervous and don't know what to expect. If you have been through treatment, you can become a peer mentor and help reassure people. You can give advice because you understand what people are going through.
If you are interested in becoming a peer mentor, please email: [email protected]

Change Grow Live provide regular training to professionals working in Tower Hamlets on a range of substance use related topics. For more information, including how to book on or request training for your team, please complete our online booking form.
Training opportunities
We offer training sessions to all professionals in Tower Hamlets. These sessions are designed to support professionals in the community develop a better understanding of substance misuse and offer guidance on how to identify and speak to those with substance misuse issues in their service, where to get additional support from and how best to continue support people once in recovery.

Core Training:
These sessions are available for any individual working in Tower Hamlets and will run in June, October and February.
- Alcohol (2 hours)
- Opiates (2 hours)
- Cannabis, Stimulants and Hallucinogens (2 hours)
- Harm Reduction (2 hours)
All sessions are held on Microsoft Teams and can be booked on via the link below:
Reset RTS & RRSS Training Programme 24/25 Core Training Booking Form
Sessions available on request:
The following sessions can be provided to teams and services on request.
- Sessions on specific individual or groups of substances including cannabis, cocaine and crack, khat and novel psychoactive substances. (1-2 hours)
- Residential Detoxification and Rehabilitation (2 hours)
- New Synthetic Opioids (1 hour)
- Mutual Aid in Substance Use Recovery (1 hour)
- Introduction to addiction and substance use for Clinicians (2 hours)
- Substance Use and Parenting (2 hours)
- Family, Friends and Carers’ Support (2 hours)
- Co-Existing Substance Misuse and Mental Health (2 hours)
- Chemsex (1 hour)

Bespoke Training:
We are also happy to receive requests for bespoke training around drug and alcohol related areas.
Please send any requests to [email protected].