Staffordshire Children's Rights Service

Become an independent visitor
For many children and young people living in foster care can be unsettling. Having someone there just for them can make all the difference. That someone could be you.
A Volunteer Independent Visitor acts as a positive role model. They meet with a child or young person once a month to offer support, encouragement and guidance. This could be in the form of an activity or going for a drink and a chat. The support package is tailored to the individual, as each young person will have a specific need or aim that they want to overcome or achieve.
Independent visitors are matched with a child or young person, sometimes because they have little or no contact with their own families. As a volunteer, you are there as someone ‘totally independent’ in their life, distinct from the professionals paid to support them. It makes a real difference to a young person to know they have someone who is on their side, who has chosen to be there for them.
In return, you will gain valuable experience, skills and a sense of achievement, as well as ongoing training, supervision and support.
Call 07912120158 or email [email protected] to find out more.
If you're interested in becoming an Independent Visitor, you can find the vacancy details on our volunteer recruitment site. To find out more about the role and how to apply, call 07912120158 or email [email protected].
We have a number of young people* waiting to be matched with an Independent Visitor:
- Amy (12) lives with an older carer. She would like an active Independent Visitor who can do sports with her.
- Brad (13) lives in residential care with other young people, but doesn’t have anyone in his family visit. He would like an Independent Visitor to take him out and have fun, like the other young people.
- Cassie (16) lives with carers in a new town, she doesn’t have any friends in the area yet. She would like an Independent Visitor to go out with in the local area and help with her confidence. She loves hot chocolate and cake.
- Danny (11) lives with foster carers and attends a special school. He would like an Independent Visitor to help him to become independent. He likes parks, aeroplanes, and animals.
- Emma (9) lives with her carer in a very busy household. She would like an Independent Visitor to spend some time with her on her own. She would enjoy trying different activities together with her Independent Visitor.
*Names have been changed