Dependency and Recovery Service – West Midlands

Once we receive your referral from your Probation Practitioner, your Coordinator will contact you to welcome you to the service.
This includes confirming your assessment appointment and discussing any additional considerations that may need to be factored in your initial appointment.
We’ll send you a letter to confirm your appointment and send you a reminder text nearer the time.

Usually this appointment will be face to face.
It must be within 10 days of referral from your Probation Practitioner.
Your Coordinator will complete the assessment with you. It will include questions focused on the objectives your Probation Practitioner has set for you. It will also help us understand any other treatment or services you may have used with previously. After completing the assessment, we will create an Action Plan with you, based around your specific needs.

Action Plan
Your Action Plan will be developed and agreed with you. It will also be shared and agreed with your Probation Practitioner.
You will be encouraged to share what you feel your most immediate needs are. Along with the outcomes set by your Probation Practitioner – this will inform the Action Plan, including:
- Agreeing objectives and how your progress towards achieving them will be measured.
- How often we will see you – as well as where and when the interventions will take place.
We’ll work closely with you to help you take responsibility for your Action Plan and your progress.

Interventions: Face to Face, Online and Digital
Interventions are the activities and sessions specified in your Action Plan and to be completed by you. They will start once your Action Plan is approved by your Probation Practitioner and will need to be completed during the agreed timescales.

Concluding session
Once you have completed all your scheduled intervention sessions, you will have a final meeting with your Coordinator. This will include:
- Giving your feedback about our service.
- A final review of your progress and achieved outcomes.
- Production of agreed next steps. This could include how to access local activities or groups, access to digital platforms for self-guided support and how to get help in case of crisis.
- Access to ongoing treatment (if needed). This could include attending an appointment with you or helping you to liaise with the treatment provider.
Ways we’ll help you stay engaged:
- We’ll keep in close contact with your Probation Practitioner, sharing your Action Plan and updating them after each of your intervention activities.
- We’ll send you a letter to confirm your appointment and send you a reminder text nearer the time.
- If we think it’s helpful, we’ll call you between your sessions to catch up and see how you feel about the interventions you’re completing.
- We’ll work closely with the prison you’re being released from to help you feel more confident about the Dependency and Recovery service and attending your appointment.
- Where it’s appropriate, we’ll help support you with contacting your local treatment provider. We’ll also put you in touch with other organisations in your local area who offer support based around your specific needs.