Drug & Recovery Team - North East Prisons

How we can help
We work across all seven North East Prisons. We support people's recovery with structured programmes, harm reduction groups, recovery check-ins and more. We also help people with release planning to ensure the transition leaving prison is as seamless as possible.
Contact us
If you'd like to get in touch to find out more about what we do, you can email us on [email protected].

Our support includes:
- Weekly recovery groups
- Weekly SMART meetings
- Brief intervention groups
- Auricular acupuncture
- Wellbeing groups
- Structured one to one sessions
- Clinical reviews
- Peer mentoring
- Family support

We offer support at the following prisons:
- HMP Durham
- HMP Northumberland
- HMP/YOI Holme House
- HMP Low Newton
- HMP Deerbolt
- HMP Frankland
- Kirklevington Grange