HMP Five Wells Resettlement Service

Foundations of Rehabilitation
The Foundations of Rehabilitation Programme encourages people to take a meaningful look at their offending and think about what a life without substances and offending could look like.
This course is split into three sections: Connect, Grow and Thrive. Each section takes the participants along a journey from their earliest offences, to coping with prison and stress, planning for release and finishes on a letter to their 80-year-old self.
Foundations of Rehabilitation is offered to all prisoners across the prison. We also offer one-to-one sessions for prisoners who struggle in a group setting.

Volunteer Befriending Visitors Group
We know some prisoners have no contact with their friends or family and are isolated and lonely. We work with the peer-led group Cordial to offer these men a volunteer befriender who will provide friendly, non-judgemental support and regular visits.
Our volunteer befrienders are trained in listening, boundaries, safeguarding and signposting to other support.
If you’d like to find out more info on how you can become a volunteer befriender, please contact Nekeisha on [email protected] or visit our Volunteer with us tab.

External Outreach
External Outreach serves two purposes: to inspire and recruit new volunteers, and to challenge prejudices within society that often deem prisoners as ‘less than’ and would prefer a more punitive approach.
We welcome invitations to speak from universities, particularly criminology and social work departments, as well as community groups where there is an interest in Prisons and Resettlement and where we may find people who are interested in volunteering with us.
To find out more information, please contact us on [email protected].