Be Smoke Free - Manchester
Stop smoking advice for professionals
If you want to reduce smoking and improve health in your community, we can help. We offer free training to healthcare professionals and employers, and you can refer people to our service for help.
Get in touch to find out more: [email protected]
Refer a patient
Info for employers
Our service aims to help employers raise awareness of the negative effects of smoking with their employees. We can deliver Very Brief Advice training to your staff and volunteers. We'll promote a smoke-free workplace culture and work directly with your staff on this. The training takes place online, and your staff will learn about:
- How the treatment works
- Types of nicotine replacement therapy that are available
- Training we offer staff so that they can become workplace smoking cessation advisors
- Referral pathways into our service
For more information or to book a 30-minute introduction session, please get in touch.
Email: c[email protected]
Phone: 0161 823 4157
Info for organisations
Treatment for staff, volunteers and service users
We offer smoking addiction treatment for staff, volunteers and service users. When people refer, they'll have an appointment with a tobacco addiction specialist nurse. The treatment lasts for 12 weeks, with regular appointments with the nurse throughout. Nicotine replacement therapy is available for free, without a prescription or GP appointment.
Training for staff/volunteers
For organisations, we focus on promoting smoke-free cultures and will work directly with your service users to engage them in treatment.
We invite your staff to our Very Brief Advice training, where they can discuss smoking status with people, have knowledge of treatment options, and be able to offer referrals to our service. They can also complete certified NCSCT training to become a smoking cessation adviser.
For more information about our service or to book an introduction and Very Brief Advice session (lasting 60 minutes), please get in touch.
Email: c[email protected]
Phone: 0161 823 4157
Book free stop smoking training sessions
Brief advice - Manchester
How to encourage other people to make informed choices about smoking.
Who’s it for?
People who work with smokers and/or their families
What you’ll learn:
- How to encourage other people to make informed choices about smoking
- How to tell if someone’s ready to quit
- Treatment options and resources on offer.
- Common health conditions associated with smoking
- The long and short-term benefits of stopping smoking
- How to support someone who’s quitting
- How smoking affects public health
- How to refer people for help
Smoking in pregnancy - Manchester
How to give advice to pregnant people about smoking
Who’s it for?
People who work with pregnant smokers and/or their families
What you’ll learn
- The effects of smoking while pregnant
- How to give advice to pregnant people about smoking
- How to refer people for help
We offer Very Brief Advice sessions, sessions on smoking during pregnancy and smoking in mental health training. We delivering these virtually, but if you’d rather we come to you and deliver a session in person – just ask! For more information and to register for a course, you can email [email protected]
Online presentation on giving Very Brief Advice
Our online training video offers basic guidance on how to provide Very Brief Advice to people who would like to stop smoking, and ways to refer people into the Be Smoke Free service.

Quit Manager
We use a system called Quit Manager for referrals. We can add professionals to this system so that you can refer people directly.
Please email [email protected] if you'd like to be added to the system.