Drug and Alcohol Service - Sefton

man looking to camera with a building behind him


We have two in-person drug and alcohol services in Sefton - Bootle and Southport. Here. you can find the details of our Southport service, including opening times and a timetable of activities. Click here for details of our Bootle service.


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  • 8 Church Street
    Southport PR9 0QT

Southport opening times

  • Monday9:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday9:00 - 19:00
  • Wednesday9:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday9:00 - 17:00
  • Friday9:00 - 19:00

Southport timetable

The timetable of group activities related to drug and alcohol recovery support in Southport. We also have a timetable of weekly activities in our Bootle service.

Please contact your key worker or call our team on 0151 203 9755 for further information on any of the sessions.

  • Mon



Checking in on how things are going for you in your recovery and processing your emotions and feelings. It is also a chance to connect and share with peers who have lived experience. This is a good way to improve your communication skills, help deal with your anxiety and prevent isolation. 

Time: 10.00- 11.30


Support for friends and family members who have been impacted by a loved one's addiction. A safe space for people to connect with others and share their experiences in a confidential, non-judgemental environment.

Time: 11.30 - 13.00


Relapse is a process; it is not an event. If you are aware and understand the stages of relapse, you will be better equipped to be able to stop it from happening.

Time: 13.30  – 15.30 



A change to get together and connect with our peers with a focus on improving our physical and mental wellbeing in recovery.

Time: 11.30 – 13.00 


Going for a walk in a group with peers will help you to follow the five ways to wellbeing. It also allows you to appreciate nature, visiting the local parks and attractions. It also gives you a chance to get some exercise and fresh air.

Time: 14.00 - 16.00 



Recovery Capital is a collection of resources that are available to support your journey of recovery. Recovery Capital can be divided into three areas: personal resources, social resources and community resources. 

Each person’s recovery capital is different as each person has different resources available to them in their lives. 

Time: 10.00 - 11.30 


Checking in on how things are going for you in your recovery and processing your emotions and feelings. It is also a chance to connect and share with peers who have lived experience. This is a good way to improve your communication skills, help deal with your anxiety and prevent isolation. 

Time: 13.00 - 14.30 



Workshops are held on various subjects and topics to help raise awareness and knowledge around substance use and recovery. For example, facilitators deliver workshops on emotions and feelings and positive thinking. Facilitators are also open to suggestions from participants for ideas on different topics for future workshops.   

Time: 10.00 - 11.30


A safe space for men to get together and talk about what is on your mind. Connecting men in recovery.

Time: 11.00 - 12.30


Focus on building a better life without the use of substances, improving personal resources to increase life enjoyment, goal setting, increasing confidence, having a more positive focus, and becoming more accountable.  

Time: 12.30 - 14.30 




*Held on the last Friday of every month only*

Time: 11.00 - 12.00


A space on the timetable for service users to get together and decide what you would like to do as a group to support each other in your recovery.

Time: 12.00 - 14.00