Branching Out – Tameside
Training for professionals
Branching Out offers free drug and alcohol awareness training to professionals in Tameside, with sessions delivered in-person and via Microsoft Teams.
The sessions are offered as an introduction to drugs, alcohol and related topics. They have been designed with frontline professionals in mind who are working with young people and families across Tameside. You can view and register for our sessions below.
Drug and Alcohol Awareness - Tameside
This session covers information on a variety of different substances, local trends in Tameside, the availability of substances with new technologies and a comprehensive overview of the referral pathways for support in Tameside.
This session is ideal for those wishing to learn more about substances, their effects, and what support is available. It is also a great refresher course for any professionals who have not had any drug or alcohol-specific training for a while.
- Substance specific information
- Local trends – new popular substances
- Modern Media and New Technologies - YP Focus
- Signs, symptoms, effects
- Our agency responses
- Allows for the opportunity to ask any questions
Hidden Harm and Parental Substance Use - Tameside
This session aims to raise awareness around the impact that substance misuse has on children in particular - but also on the whole family.
This session explores some of the dynamics and challenges practitioners are presented with when working with children and families living with substance use. It also provides advice and guidance for navigating through this sea of complexities.
- A close look at the impact drugs and alcohol can have on a family’s relationship
- How to speak and build professional relationships with a young person affected by someone else’s substance use
- Information on Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD) and Alcohol Exposed Pregnancy (AEP), and how to spot potential signs in young people
- Information on Branching Out’s family service and the support we provide to young people and families across Manchester
County Lines Training - Tameside
This session explores the ways in which young people can be exploited, focusing on the increase in County Lines gangs.
In this session, we will explore the different ways in which young people can be groomed and exploited with a specific focus on child criminal exploitation and County Lines. We will identify what this may look like in practice and agency responses to this – including local referral pathways.
- Information and structure of County Lines gangs
- Exploring appropriate responses to Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) – County Lines are being addressed
- Case studies looking at the signs and effects of exploitation and grooming
Adverse Childhood Experiences – Becoming Trauma Informed - Tameside
This session aims to inform about what ACEs are, what their immediate effects are and how they can affect children both in the short-term and throughout their lives.
ACEs are stressful or traumatic experiences, including abuse, neglect and a range of household dysfunctions such as witnessing domestic violence or growing up with substance abuse, mental illness, neglect, or loss of a parent.
- Develop an understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Explore how ACEs can impact on the developing child
- Understand the importance of relationships and resilience building
- Understand the role of resilience in helping children/young people cope with adversity
- Explore what factors can support the development of resilience
- Understand what you can do to help others build resilience
- Becoming Trauma Informed
Introduction to Branching Out
Branching Out is the Young Person's Drug and Alcohol Service for Tameside. We are offering regular, online briefing sessions giving an overview of the service and the support on offer to young people and families in Tameside.
- Overview of the substance misuse support that available to young people and their families in Tameside
- An overview of the different types of interventions we use with young people
- Comprehensive information about referral pathways
- Allows for the opportunity to ask questions
We also offer:
- Bespoke substance awareness sessions for young people (school year groups, Scout groups, etc.)
- Support with policy development and safeguarding
- Signposting and onward referral
- Stalls and expo spaces (such as freshers' events)