Shaping Futures - Birmingham


photo of MichelleService Manager, 07836516697

I keep everything running smoothly so that staff on the front line can focus on what really matters – the young people that we help. I love hearing the positive news stories about all the young people we help; it brightens my day.


photo of AmySenior Employability Case Manager, 07584333547

Hi, my name is Amy. I was previously an offending learning lecturer and a volunteer for SOVA. I was hired to work on the Youth Promise Plus project in 2017 and I am now responsible for Education, Training and Employment support within the Youth Offending Service covering the Southeast area of Birmingham.  I am extremely passionate about the cohort of young people we support. I like to wake up every day excited to see the change that my team makes for so many people.


photo of BrendanYouth Case Worker, 07341511270

Hi, my name is Brendan and I have recently joined the team supporting the youth Offending service covering the Northwest area of Birmingham with a focus on education, training or employment support.