SmokeFree Hull

How SmokeFree Hull helps you

SmokeFree Hull is all about helping you find your own way of stopping smoking. Join our 12-week programme, and we’ll give you an advisor to help and encourage you, and free products for your nicotine cravings, like patches and gum. We support adults and young people aged 12 and over living in Hull.

We are able to support Hull residents with a Hull postcode up to HU9. If you live outside of this area, please contact Xyla Health and Wellbeing. Their telephone number for Smoking Cessation is 0330 2369 102, option 3.

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"The SmokeFree service has been a huge support for me, combined with my weekly call with adviser and the mouth spray, I feel I can do it this time."

Your stop smoking advisor

When you use the service, you’ll get your own advisor. They’ll get to know you and find out what support you want with quitting.

Your adviser will talk to you about:

  • Why you're stopping smoking. Knowing your 'why' and focusing on your goals helps you stay focused.
  • Habits and cravings. We all have smoking routines, like having a cigarette first thing in the morning, with a cuppa, or with friends at the pub. This is when you'll be most tempted, so they will help you come up with a plan for what to do.
  • Staying motivated. They will cheer you on and help you stay motivated when things are tough.

You’ll speak to your advisor throughout your 12-week programme. They will be there to support you after if you need them too.

If you have a slip-up, they will not judge you. Quitting can sometimes take a few attempts, and all that matters is that you keep on trying.

You can also speak to one of our team online on our webchat.

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Choose when and where you get help

You can choose how you want to get support from your advisor:

  • Phone call
  • Face-to-face appointment
  • Video calls

Give us a ring: 01482 977 617

Get free stop smoking aids

Your advisor will also help you with stop smoking aids. There’s lots of options, including nicotine patches and gum. You're more likely to be successful if you use them. They’ll help you find the right ones for you if you’re not sure.

They will give you a prescription for your stop smoking aids. This means they’re free if you don’t pay for your prescription. If you do pay for your prescription, it’ll be cheaper than buying them yourself.