SmokeFree Croydon
More useful articles, tools and apps:
NHS cost calculator
Work out how much money you could save by stopping smoking with this NHS calculator.
Stop smoking without putting on weight
Advice on how to stop smoking without gaining weight from the NHS.
Texts and emails to help you quit
Sign up for a month of support, encouragement and guidance from the NHS to help you quit.
NHS Smokefree Facebook page
Join the NHS Smokefree Facebook page to be part of a community of people trying to quit.
NHS health and wellbeing apps
The NHS Smokefree app has a 4-week programme of support, encouragement, and advice to help you quit.
What happens when you stop smoking
Watch this video to find out what happens when you stop smoking and how soon your body will recover.
Better Health - How to quit vaping support page
Quitting nicotine vaping can be a challenge. In this guide, we will provide practical tips to help you quit safely and successfully. With the right support you can achieve your goal. You've got this!

NHS One You
Everything you need to make the switch to a healthier life: exercise, diet, sleep, and more.
Lung cancer and smoking
Find out about smoking and lung cancer on the Roy Castle Foundation website.
Heart disease and smoking
Find out about smoking and heart disease on the British Heart Foundation website.
Diabetes and smoking
Find out about smoking and diabetes on the website.
Pregnancy and smoking
Find out how smoking can affect your baby on the Safer Pregnancy website.
SmokeFree App
Quit smoking using 30+ proven stop smoking techniques and the reliable quitting methods.

An app to support you to quit smoking
An app to support you to quit smoking.
My QuitBuddy
My QuitBuddy helps you get, and stay, smoke free.
Quit Tracker: Stop Smoking
Quit Tracker helps you figure out how much money you can save by stopping smoking.
EasyQuit App
EasyQuit is a free app to help you break your smoking habit.
COPD and smoking
Find out about smoking and COPD on the Royal Free Hospital website.
Food and mood
Explores the relationship between what you eat and how you feel, including tips on how to incorporate healthy eating into your life.

OLIO app
On OLIO, you’ll find millions of people giving away food and other household items to their neighbours, all for free.
Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
Eat Well
Advice from the NHS on eating a healthy, balanced diet.
Making every contact count
Making every contact count is an approach to behaviour change that uses organisations to support people to make positive changes to their life.