STAR Drug and Alcohol Service - East Sussex

Education Training & Employment Support (ETE)
If you’re receiving support from STAR Drug and Alcohol Service, we can support you with accessing education, courses, training, employment and can also help you find volunteering opportunities.
It doesn’t matter what your background or experience is, or what qualifications you have, we tailor our support to suit your needs. Our service is free and confidential. Please ask your keyworker for more information.

Individual Placement & Support (IPS)
If employment is part of your recovery goal, we can help. We believe every person can work if they want to, and we’re here to support you with this.
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is an evidence-based process that matches people with work that suits their wants and interests.
Our support is available if you are of working age and in structured treatment with STAR.
To find out more, ask your keyworker to refer you or our contact the IPS Team directly: [email protected]

Training for Professionals
We offer training courses on alcohol & drugs for other providers and services in East Sussex. Our training is led by experienced professionals and can be either established courses or specially tailored to your organisation.
Our training covers a wide range of topics, from drug and alcohol awareness, to overdose awareness and how to help someone address their drinking or drug use.
For more information about the specific training or tailored training programmes we offer, please contact our Team Leader Sue French at [email protected].

Housing Support
We offer advice and information for people using our services who are at risk of losing tenancy or those experiencing issues around housing. For information about the housing support advice we offer, please contact Emma Johnson at [email protected].

Prescription medication support
If you would like to speak to somebody about your prescription medication, you can contact the service directly by phone or email. Doctors, family members, carers and friends or any other agency, such as social services, can refer somebody into our service.
If you are worried about someone else or would like to talk in confidence about your situation, please email Rob at [email protected].

The Recovery Café
Our Recovery Café is run by experienced staff and volunteers. It’s a friendly and welcoming space where you can attend groups, learn new skills, meet likeminded individuals, or simply take some time out.
What to expect:
- Tea, coffee, and fresh food available every day
- Naloxone and needle exchange programmes
- Guidance and support around treatment options
- Advice from people who have achieved positive goals and want to share their experiences
- Information about employment and volunteering opportunities
Although the Recovery Café is part of Change Grow Live, there is no requirement to sign up beforehand – simply turn up and get involved!
We want the groups we hold and the support we offer to be suggested by the people who attend the café. We hold a monthly open forum so you can tell us what you would like to see, and what would help in your recovery journey. Contact the team or speak to your key worker to find out more.
Café opening hours
The Recovery Café is in talks with Build on Belief to cover Saturday and Sunday, ensuring that the café will be open seven days a week by Spring 2024!
- Monday09:30 - 16:00
- Tuesday09:30 - 16:00
- Wednesday10:00 - 16:00Women only sessions
- Thursday09:30 - 16:00
- Friday09:30 - 16:00
Where to find us
- Recovery Café
5 North Street
Eastbourne BN21 3HG
Local Support
Seaview’s range of support services helps marginalised people with addiction problems, mental health issues, ex-and at-risk offenders and rough sleepers achieve personal growth and fulfilment. Call 01424 717981 or email [email protected] for further information.
Southdown supports clients and tenants experiencing mental health difficulties, learning disabilities or people who are or have been homeless. A smaller number have addiction issues or sensory or physical disabilities. All are offered the support they need to live their life well. For further information, please call 01273 405800
An organisation to help families of people affected by someone’s drug or alcohol use. Call 07442 137421 or email [email protected]
OASIS is a women’s recovery service. It offers support with people struggling with their drug/alcohol use in a non-judgemental, women-only safe space. Call 01273 69697 or email [email protected] for more information.
Sussex Mental Healthline
A mental health helpline service offering 24/7 listening support, advice, information and signposting to anyone experiencing difficulties with their mental health or relatives, friends, carers and healthcare professionals. Call 0800 0309 500 or 111 (NHS line) and select the mental health option.
Health In Mind
This service offers free NHS Talking Therapies for people with mental health issues. Call 0300 00 30 130 or email [email protected] to find out more.
Warming Up The Homeless
Outreach teams provide food, hot drinks, clothes, toiletries, sleeping bags and anything else that helps people sleeping on our streets. Call 07367 060708 or email [email protected] for more information.
Hastings Foodbank
For anyone struggling on a low-income or crisis related food shortage. Contact them for help on 01424 869352 about food vouchers or how to make a referral.
Hastings Borough Council
The council provide housing, welfare and benefit services to Hastings Borough residents. For general advice call 01424 451066. If you are a specialist Housing Options Officer, please call 01424 451100.
East Sussex Veteran Hub
Provides help for members and former members of the armed forces. Please call 0330 1077808 or email [email protected] for further information.

Wider support
Talk to someone about whatever you’re going through and how you’re feeling, 24 hours a day. Confidential and free.
Citizens Advice
Help and advice with a range of issues, including housing, legal, and debt advice. National adviceline open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Help and advice about a wide range of issues, for anyone aged 18 or under. Open 24/7.
Young Minds
Urgent help for young people is available on their website 24/7.
Support for people affected by domestic abuse. Helpline free, open 24/7.
Victim Support
Support and information for anyone affected by crime. Helpline free, open 24/7.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
If you need support with your drinking, please phone their national helpline for free on 0800 9177 650 or email [email protected]
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
If you are struggling with drug use and need support, please call their helpline on 0300 999 1212 (open from 10am to midnight) or email [email protected].
Cocaine Anonymous (CA)
Cocaine Anonymous is a support group for people to share their experience, strength and hopes to help each other in their recovery. Please call 0800 612 0225 or email [email protected] for more information.
Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
Gamblers Anonymous is a support group for people to share their experience, strength and hopes to help each other in their recovery. Please call 0330 094 0322 or email [email protected] for more information.