Street Outreach Team - Cambridge

How we can help
We identify and work with people over the age of 18 in the City of Cambridge that are street homeless.
We help rough sleepers on the street or at the day centre by informing them of the options available.
We start the day at 6:00, pointing people to places where they can get food, showers and clothes.
Unfortunately, we are not accommodation providers and do not hold any housing stock.

Contact us
We are in the office from 8:00 - 16:00.
You can phone us on: 01223 366292. If it's out of our office hours, please leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Are you concerned about a person or people rough sleeping? Please report as much information as possible using the Streetlink portal. Please include information like where they are and what they look like. We get information from the portal so we can help.

Support we offer
We will give you the information you need to make an informed choice. This might mean giving you a map and a welcome letter if we find you in the morning sleeping out. This will show you where to get a warm shower and clean clothes. There's also the option to create an 'Action Plan'. This means we'll work on an assessment with you to help you find out what housing options are available to you.