The Corner - Sheffield
Our training courses
Current and emerging trends in young people's substance use
We will cover information about national and local trends.
We will cover information about national and local trends, buying drugs online, emerging trends with cannabis use, and also a range of other specific substances, including lean, NOS, and smart/study drugs.
What's the Score? The Corner's screening tool training
We will teach you how to use our drug and alcohol screening tool.
We will teach you how to use our drug and alcohol screening tool with young people, helping you to talk to young people about their use, identify risks, and to explore harm reduction advice.
Cannabis: The lowdown on getting high
We will take an in-depth look at cannabis.
We will take an in-depth look not just at the cannabis plant itself but also at societal and cultural responses to the world's most widely used illicit substance. We will also cover advice on reducing harms and associated risks.
Basic Drug Awareness
We have converted our one-day basic drug awareness course into two separate zoom sessions.
We would encourage you to book both sessions if possible.
Part 1 (1.5 hours) covers a brief introduction to The Corner; an overview of what we mean by a harm reduction approach and why this is so important; the cycle of change and how it relates to a young person's use; an exploration of what we mean by 'substance misuse', and the harm reduction triangle.
Part 2 (2 hours) focuses on increasing practitioners’ knowledge of a wide range of different substances. For each substance discussed we will explore how it affects the body, drug categories, routes of administration, harm reduction advice, and the law.
Group work and stalls
Group Work
The Corner we provide targeted group work for young people who are vulnerable or at risk around substance misuse. This group work is bespoke and suited to the needs of the young people we are working with.
Stalls and Festivals
The Corner can also provide stalls for festivals and events - this is to publicise our service to young people, professionals, and the general public.
To request The Corner to support you in either of these areas of work then please do get in touch: