Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service - West Kent

Here's a timetable of local support groups and meetings. The info on how to join is in the description.
Drug and alcohol support
Breaking Free Online
Additional substance misuse support during your recovery including help to manage high risk situations. Access Code: westkent11
Free, confidential advice about your own or someone else’s drinking. Speak to someone online or call Drinkline on 0300 123 1110. Open weekdays 9am—8pm & weekends 11am—4pm.
Information and advice about drugs and their effects. Call 0300 123 6600 or text 82111 any time, or access live chat daily 2pm – 6pm.
Alcohol Change UK
Help and support if you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, including facts and research about alcohol.
Harm reduction advice and information about drug law and your rights.
Information for gay and bisexual men about sex and drugs, and reducing harm.
Advice about your own or someone else’s solvent abuse. Call 01785 810762, text/WhatsApp 07496 959930 or speak to someone online Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm.
An online recovery community that connects those seeking recovery from alcoholism, addiction or mental health.
Lower My Drinking
An online tool that provides advice and information about your level of drinking and the impact on your health, and signposts you to appropriate local support.

Employment support (IPS)
If employment is part of your recovery, we can help. We believe everyone is capable of doing some work if they want to, and we will support you with this.
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is an evidence-based service that matches people with work that they want to do.
Our support is available if you are aged 18-64 and in treatment at Change Grow Live.
To find out more, speak to your Recovery Co-ordinator. You can also email [email protected] to refer yourself or for more information.
Visit our Individual Placement and Support (IPS) page to find out more about our employment support services.
Support for friends and family
Advice and support for families affected by drug and alcohol misuse.
Support for family, friends and carers affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol misuse. Call 0300 888 3853 daily 9am – 9pm.
Support for families and friends of people with an alcohol addiction. Call 0800 0086 811 daily 10am – 10pm.
Nacoa (The National Association for Children of Alcoholics)
Information, advice and support for anyone affected by a parent’s drinking, regardless of their age. Call 0800 358 3456 Monday to Saturday, 2pm – 7pm.
SMART Family & Friends Programme
SMART has created a programme to support the family and friends of people with drug and/or alcohol problems, with the aim of lessening feelings of isolation and instilling a sense of hope. Meetings are held in person or online – search your local area on the above link for more information.

Mental health support
Support for anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide. Call 116 123 any time, day or night.
Release the Pressure
A 24/7 service for anyone in Kent in need of mental health crisis support. Text the word “Kent” to 85258 or phone 0800 107 0160 for free, confidential support at any time.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
A free, confidential helpline and webchat for those who feel down, have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information or support. Call 0800 58 58 58 daily, 5pm – midnight.
Specialist support for those experiencing mental health problems. Call 0300 123 3393 Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm.
Rethink Mental Illness
Advice and information for those severely affected by mental illness, including legal advice, financial assistance and carer support.
We Are With You
Provider of free psychological therapies for adults living in West Kent (Maidstone, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks area).
Provider of free talking therapies for adults living in North Kent (Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley area).
Provider of free talking therapies for adults living in North Kent (Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley area).
Side By Side
A supportive online community run by Mind, where you can talk about your mental health and connect with others.
Big White Wall
An online community providing mental health support in a safe and anonymous environment.

Health and wellbeing support
One You Kent
Support to help Kent residents get healthier and feel better, including help with alcohol use, smoking and general health and fitness.
Live Well Kent
Support for Kent residents over the age of 17 with their mental and physical health, providing health and fitness advice, as well as support with financial pressure and relationship stress.
Involve Kent
Support and advice to help improve health, empower people and communities to live well, and tackle the root causes of ill health including isolation, loneliness, disadvantage and frailty.
Kent Sheds
Information about a growing network of like-minded people (often men but women are welcome) of all ages, who take part in practical activities (such as woodwork), in informal spaces to make social connections, build friendships and reduce isolation.
Health, life and wellbeing information and support for gay men.

Domestic abuse support
Provider of specialist support for women, children and men escaping domestic violence and other forms of violence. Call 0808 2000 247 for 24-hour support.
Women’s Aid
Information, advice and support for women affected by domestic abuse.
ManKind Initiative
Information, support and signposting service for male victims of domestic abuse. Call 01823 334244 weekdays 10am – 4pm.
Support with managing abusive behaviours for perpetrators of domestic abuse. Call 0808 802 4040 weekdays 9am – 8pm or access webchat support online.

Other support
Citizens Advice
Independent, impartial advice on a range of topics including benefits, work, family and housing.
Support for people who are homeless or at risk of losing their housing. Call 0800 567 7699, open 24/7.
Beyond The Streets
Support for women involved in prostitution who might be ready to make changes and find routes out.
NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood)
Support for adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect.
The Survivors Trust
Information, advice, support and therapy for victims and survivors of rape and sexual abuse.
Kent County Council
Find more support for a range of different areas of your life in the Kent area.