Rise - Newham

Volunteers are a really important part of our service. You'll give inspiration to people and help them change their lives.
If you are interested in volunteering for us please contact us by emailing [email protected]

Peer Mentors
Many of the people who come into our services are nervous and don't know what to expect. If you have been through treatment, you can become a peer mentor and help reassure people about what to expect. You can give advice because you understand what people are going through.
Training for peer mentors
Training will be delivered over 5 days. The training is accredited and will lead to certification of your learning. Lunch will be provided, and reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed (with a receipt).
Topics will include the following:
- Mentoring skills
- Safeguarding
- Boundaries and Confidentiality
- Substance Awareness
- Assertiveness
Good attendance and punctuality are essential for completing the course.
The training will help to prepare you to work with staff and service users. We will also help to develop your knowledge and understanding of substance misuse treatment services, as well as provide skills that will help you in future employment.
At the end of the training programme, you will have the opportunity of a placement with Newham Rise where you can further develop your skills and experiences.
The role of a peer mentor can include:
- Helping to run drop-ins and welcome service users
- Delivering groups
- Escorting service users to appointments
- Organising activities or outings
- Supporting service users into and through treatment
You are asked to commit for 6 months (minimum of one day per week), you will be provided with one-to-one supervision and further training during your placement and will have opportunities to meet with the other people you trained with for peer support.
If you are interested in becoming a peer mentor, please email: [email protected]