Kent Recovery Houses - Folkestone and Canterbury

You can refer yourself to the Kent Recovery Housing Service if you meet all the criteria below.
You must:
- Be over 18 years of age and have a local connection to Kent.
- Have experienced issues with substance misuse including alcohol.
- Be a minimum of 6-8 weeks abstinent from both drugs and alcohol regardless of which substance you are receiving support for.
- Be able to demonstrate a commitment to your recovery
- Be motivated to continue growing and developing, including working towards gaining voluntary or paid employment.
- Be on opiate substitution treatment and be on a prescription no more than 30mls or equivalent and with an agreed reduction plan in place.
- Have an identified housing need. This could be that you are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or you are in accommodation that is unsuitable to support your recovery.
- Be eligible for housing benefit or be able to self-fund (with evidence to show this).
The service is unable to support:
- Couples
- People who would need to be accommodated with dependent children.
- Anyone with a previous history of sexual offending or arson.
- Pets. If you need an assistance animal, we may be able to accommodate them. This will be assessed on an individual basis.
- Individuals with a history of violent offending and or complex mental health issues are eligible for referral and will be assessed on an individual basis.
If you'd like to find out more, please email: [email protected]