Drug and Alcohol Service - Cheshire East

Criminal justice services

At Change Grow Live Cheshire East, we are passionate about and committed to helping everyone build a positive future, regardless of their past. Our team can support you with your drug and alcohol use, lifestyle needs, and work to build positive and meaningful relationships, all to support you on your recovery journey.  We never judge.

Our confidential service works alongside the Police and Probation services to provide you with support and care to fit your needs. We also have strong links with other services to ensure you receive the best possible care.

We offer criminal justice services in our Crewe and Macclesfield services. Please get in touch for more information.

two hands icon

Having that one-to-one support from someone who genuinely cared about me, like properly cared, was a really nice feeling.

A group of people are sitting having a conversation
A woman has her hands folded on her lap
A man stood smiling outside

Satellite clinics

We want to make accessing support from us as easy as possible. If you are unable to make it to the Macclesfield or Crew services, we have satellite clinics available. Please note, these are appointment-only clinics.

Speak with your keyworker to find further information and how you can attend.   

Open Arms Youth Centre (Wilmslow)  
  • Monday, 10:30am – 4:00pm
  • Appointment-only clinic for opiate users 
  • Alcohol keyworker appointments
  • Opportunity to discuss achievements, goals, and challenges
  • Monthly prescribing clinic for non-medical prescribers reviews
Beech House (Congleton)  
  • Monday and Wednesday, 10:00am – 4:00pm  
  • 45-minute appointments   
  • Opportunity to discuss achievements, goals, and challenges  
  • Monthly prescribing clinic for non-medical prescribers reviews/medical review
  • Home visits where necessary