Refer yourself or someone else to Change Grow Live
If you or someone you know wants to change direction, grow as a person, and live life to its full potential, Change Grow Live can help.
We support people of all ages and backgrounds with challenges including drugs or alcohol, trouble with housing, domestic abuse, or mental and physical wellbeing.
Our services are free and confidential.
How to self refer or refer someone to Change Grow Live
Anyone can refer themselves or someone else to our services.
If you’re referring someone else, you must have their consent. You also need their name, date of birth and contact details.
It’s a very quick and easy process:
- Use our service finder to see if we have a branch in your area. (If not, we’ll help you find a service from another organisation.)
- Make a referral to your local service by email, phone or in person. Some services offer online referral too.
- If you've referred yourself, we'll contact you to talk about the next steps. If you've referred someone else, we may call you first if we need more information.
The information you share with us when you make a referral is confidential. We’ll only share it if we think someone is at risk of harm.