What is rehab?

Drug rehabilitation or rehab is an option for people who are already drug-free and may be moving on from a detox.

It involves spending time as an in-patient at a rehab clinic, in a safe environment away from distractions, where you'll be encouraged to talk to other people and discuss your experiences.

What is rehab?

The aim of rehab is to understand what led you to where you are now, and your reasons for using drugs, so that you can stay drug-free.

Residential rehab is particularly suitable for people with multiple needs. - This could mean you are homeless, are struggling with your mental and physical health, or have certain health support needs.

Different providers of rehabilitation services offer different approaches or disciplines. You will need to think about which approach will suit you. These helpful descriptions are currently published on the Rehab Online website.

crossed hands on a person's lap

How long rehab takes

Depending on what is agreed a rehab placement can vary from 12 weeks to over 12 months. You'll get lots of help and support all the way through.

man having a conversation with another man and looking off into the distance

A typical day in rehab

Every rehab facility will slightly vary in what they offer depending on the type of care they provide. Most units offer a range of activities throughout your stay. This includes groups work, counselling, art therapies, walks, day trips, and complementary therapies such as yoga or meditation.

You will also have free time, generally in the evenings and weekends where you can watch TV, use the gym, or go out on a visit, (depending on the rehab unit). You can contact any of the inpatient services directly if you would like to know more about what they offer, some services even support visits.

two women sitting - a photo of only their hands on their jeans

Support available in rehab

All of the impatient units have a range of staff who will support you during your stay, to make you feel comfortable and look after your needs. These include doctors, nurses, counsellors, groups workers, support staff, and people with lived experience.

Four people are sitting outside on a bench

Talking to my friends and family about why I am getting support

You can show your friends our website. There is also a link for family and friends to find out more about rehab and what support there is for loved ones.


Find out more about accessing rehab

To find out more about rehab, speak to your worker or contact your local drug and alcohol service about options that are available. These options will be determined by your local provider but will largely be free. There are also links on the national detox and rehab pages to individual detox and rehab units on the national framework.