Help to save our food share program: we’re fundraising for a new delivery van

Although we’re not officially registered as a food bank, our service is an integral part of the local Food Share project.

One of our exceptional volunteers, Alan, selflessly operates our ageing van to collect a variety of food items from local suppliers and supermarkets. The assortment of food we gather includes fresh produce, bakery goods, canned items, pet food, baby products, frozen foods, and more.

Upon collection, this food is then distributed to our service users upon request and attendance at an appointment. Given the continual rise in the cost of living, our food distribution service is an invaluable resource for those in need.

Regrettably, the van we rely on is quite old and is prone to frequent breakdowns.

There have been instances where we were without the van for weeks on end, resulting in a significant shortage of food for our service users. If our van breaks down completely, we won’t be able to carry on offering food gifts to the people who access our service. This would be a devastating loss for our community.

We are urgently seeking a new van to ensure we can carry on with our vital food share program. Your support in helping us acquire a new van is greatly appreciated.

You can help provide support to purchase a new van for food parcel deliveries to people using our service through the Crowdfunding website below:

Change Grow Live Food Share Van