Webchat terms of use
Our webchat puts you in touch with a drug and alcohol practitioner. You can discuss issues and ask questions and they will give you information, advice, and support. It is free to use - we just ask that you read these terms before you start so you know what to expect.
It’s confidential
Anything you tell us and any advice we give you is confidential. It stays between us.
The only time this could change is if we were concerned that you or someone else was at serious risk of harm. If that was the case we will talk to you about how we could help you or others reduce the risk.
To make sure everything stays private, make sure no one else can see your screen or what you’re typing. It’s best to use your own phone or computer rather than as a shared one. If you don’t have your own phone or computer, you can use private browsing. Find out how to do it here.
Read more about our responsibility for your safety.
For more information on how we take care of your data and confidentiality, read our privacy policy.
Existing Service Users
We are a national team and do not have access to local Change Grow Live client records, therefore cannot provide specific details relating to any individual currently in treatment.
We cannot make, change, or cancel appointments on webchat.
Any prescription inquiries need to be discussed directly with your local service.
We are not a crisis service
If it’s an emergency and you or someone else is in immediate danger or requires urgent medical assistance, please call 999. In a non-emergency situation please call NHS 111.
If you would like to talk to someone about how you are feeling, you can contact Samaritans by calling 116 123 or visiting their website.
You need to be over 13
Our webchat is only for people aged 13 and over. If you’re under 13, you can access support from Childline by calling 0800 1111 or by visiting the Childline website.
The Webchat service is for UK Residents
Although the webchat can be accessed globally, we are only able to offer support to UK residents
We are here to help you
We are here to help and support you. We will not tolerate abuse, threats, or inappropriate language on webchat. If this happens, we may end the chat.
Any questions?
If you have questions about these terms, get in touch at queries@cgl.org.uk.