National rehab framework wait times

This page has a list of wait times for our National Rehab Framework. You can find out more about the providers by visiting their individual pages.

This page is updated regularly.

Last updated: 14th March 2025

Adferiad - Parkland Place 

The current wait times for this service is 4 weeks.

ANA Treatment Centres

The current wait time for this service is 3-4 weeks.

ARC Project

The current wait time for this service is 7 - 10 days.

BAC O'Connor

The wait time for this service is 4 - 6 weeks. 

Banbury Lodge

This service currently has immediate availability.

Bosence Farm

The wait time for this service is 12 weeks.

Broadway Lodge

Current wait time for this service is 12 weeks.

Druglink - Oxygen Recovery Services

The current wait time for this service is 8 - 12 weeks.

ESH Community

The current wait time for this service is 1 - 2 weeks.

Forward Trust - The Bridges

The current wait times for this service is 12 weeks for male beds and immediate availability for female beds.

Forward Trust - Clouds House

The current wait times for this service is 12 weeks for male beds and immediate availability for female beds.

Kenward Trust 

The current wait time for this service is 4 - 6 weeks.

Mount Carmel

This service has immediate availability for male beds and a 3 week wait time for female beds.

Nelson Trust - Covington House

The current wait time for this service is 3 weeks.

Nelson Trust - East Wharf Cottage

The current wait time for this service is 3 weeks.

Nelson Trust - Nelson House

The current wait time for this service is 3 weeks.

Nelson Trust - Stafford House 

The current wait time for this service is 4 weeks (male beds only).

Oasis - Liberty House

This service has immediate availability.

Oasis - Recovery Lighthouse

This service has immediate availability.

Perry Clayman Project

This service currently has immediate availability.

Phoenix Futures National Specialist Family Service

This service has immediate availability.

Phoenix Futures - New Oakwood Lodge

This service has possible immediate availability - case by case assessment.

Phoenix Futures - Ophelia House

This service has possible immediate availability - case by case assessment.

Phoenix Futures Scottish Residential Service

This service has possible immediate availability - case by case assessment.

Phoenix Futures Wirral Residential

This service has immediate availability.

RDaSH - Aspire New Beginnings

The current wait times for this service are not available. Please contact the provider directly.

Seasons Rehabilitation Centre

The current wait times for this service is 2 - 3 weeks.

Sefton Park

The current wait time for this service is 6 - 8 weeks.

Somewhere House

The current wait time for this service is 12 weeks.

Streetscene - Allington House

The current wait time for this service is 4 - 6 weeks.

Streetscene - Cornerways

The current wait time for this service is 4 - 6 weeks.

Streetscene - Francis House

The current wait time for this service is 4 - 6 weeks.

Tom Harrison House

The current wait time for this service is 8 weeks.

Trevi - Jasmine Mother's Recovery

The current wait time for this service is 4 weeks.

Turning Point - Leigh Bank

The current wait time for this service is 8 weeks.

Via - Passmore House

The current wait time for this services is 8 weeks.

Western Counselling Services

This service has immediate availability.

Yeldall Manor

The current wait times for this service is 3 weeks.