This June, we celebrated the work and dedication of our volunteers during Volunteers’ Week.
Did you know? Our volunteers gave 1884 hours of their time in delivering key services to the people we support between January 2021 to April 2021. What a fantastic achievement!
To honour our volunteer community, our Volunteer Coordinator Rachel hosted an online celebration event. The event focused on recognising the hard work of individuals and their positive impact on our service users. Lots of staff, volunteers, and service user representatives joined the celebration to hear why people started volunteering, how they have helped people, and what they have got from the experience.
We highlighted one volunteer for their continued support during the pandemic. They reached out to our service users remotely from home, completed wellbeing calls to some of the most isolated and vulnerable, and empowered service users to believe recovery is possible. The volunteer spoke about their experience delivering prescriptions, Naloxone Kits, blood pressure monitors, bus passes for service users between our Birmingham hubs. In total, the volunteer drove 6,040 miles for our service, an average of 483 miles per month, or 112 miles per week, the distance from the UK to Thailand.
It’s mad when you add it up, but worth it as long as it helps our Service Users and colleagues. - Volunteer
We also had an abundance of positive feedback from our staff about our volunteers which we shared in the celebration and across our social media channels.
They went beyond anything that could have been expected of them. Our volunteers are lifesavers, and we could not survive without them. – Team leader from East hub

Our volunteer team sent out thank you cards to all our registered volunteers as a token of our appreciation and recognised those who have been unable to volunteer during the pandemic.
I was so humbled to see just how many attendees joined us for our Volunteer’s Week Celebration virtual call on 4th June! The endorphins were truly flowing seeing the happy faces of our Volunteers and the many staff members who had come along to show their support and give thanks for the amazing work our volunteers do. Sharing so many positive stories about our volunteers and the difference they make, was a wonderful way to end what had been another busy but fun week working at Change Grow Live. - Rachel, Volunteer Coordinator
We hosted a mini-training session encouraging staff to become more directly involved with our volunteers team, supervising and supporting volunteers towards our organisational goals. We co-hosted the session with volunteers who were able to share their experience with the staff and show the positive impact on teams.
We are actively recruiting volunteers to fill specialist roles such as Hepatitis C and wellbeing volunteer, group facilitator, veteran volunteer, and growth opportunity volunteer. The deadline for these roles is Friday 2nd July.
Thank you to all our volunteers.