On 7th April 2022, Gateshead Recovery Partnership held their first face-to-face Community Graduation Ceremony since Covid for those that had successfully completed Foundations of Recovery.
Foundations of Recovery is one of our group work programmes that we offer to assist our clients on their journey to recovery. The programme is separated into three parts, whereby each section will help clients along their way at different points in their recovery process.
- Foundations of Change – helps in the initial stages of recovery and helps in preparing to make the changes needed for recovery
- Foundations of Growth – helps to support clients once they are in a stable period of their initial recovery, such as after a detox.
- Foundations of Life – The last stage is all about supporting clients in the latter stages of recovery work within the service and are nearing the end of this chapter in their recovery journey.

The Graduation was held at the beautiful Kings Church Hub in Gateshead, and what a fantastic turn out it was. We had four graduates from our Foundations of Recovery workshop, as well as being joined by the graduate’s family and friends, staff from Change Grow Live Gateshead and our partners in Recovery Connections.

Graduates and members of the Dayhab shared what they have learned from their time in service, how their journey is progressing and the benefits that seeking support and completing the course has had in their own lives and that of their families. Of course, we also celebrated with a special cake too!
We asked some of our recent graduates how they found their thoughts and experiences, here is what they had to say:
"Fantastic group sessions with peers and tutors"
"Thoroughly enjoyed it"
"You saved my life"
It was a wonderful demonstration of recovery in all its forms, proving there are many ways to thrive in recovery and hopefully this was just the start of many more fantastic graduations to come!
If you'd like to find out more about Foundations of Recovery, get in touch.
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