Russel is taking one day at a time since he stopped drinking and has currently been sober for 3 months. This is a brilliant step in the right direction, as Russell has been through a difficult journey.
Even as young as 13, Russell remembers drinking regularly. His focus, for many years, was getting money so that he could spend it on alcohol. That is all he thought about. As soon as he would get paid from a job, he would spend his wages on drink. As a result of drinking he found it difficult to hold down regular jobs which has meant he has experienced life on the streets.
When Russel first contacted Change Grow Live, he did the 6-week course to support his journey to recovery. The first time he tried to stop drinking he relapsed not long after he finished the course.
The one day, Russell realised that something had to change. He started to think about what he was doing to himself and knew that he needed to seek help again.
Russell met Outreach worker Declan and started to get support with his recovery. There was something different about the second time of trying, he just felt ready. He also thought about his children and did not want them to see him homeless with a drinking problem. So, he started his journey.
Russell found a place to live that would provide support as and when he needed it. This made such a difference and Russell now sees some light at the end of the tunnel.
It has not been easy for Russell but despite all the odds he has found a way through and is now starting to plan for the future.
Russell says, 'Declan has been fantastic. We just clicked as soon as we met and it helps that he has gone through difficult times too. I really feel that he knows what I am going through. There is hope when you talk to people who have been through a similar situation.'
Russell's plan for the future
'If I can stay off the beet for a year then I want to have driving lessons and get my license. Then I want to settle down so that I can have my son come and stay over. I have goals which I'm working on bit by bit. I have a key worker to keep me on track. Without Change Grow Live I would not be here today. Declan deserves top marks!'
Russell said he would like to be a recovery worker one day because he knows it is a horrible situation to be in. Recently Russell was able to help his ex-partner as she was drinking more daily. He felt like he had been able to offer important advice that would stop it escalating like it did for him.
Russell's tip for getting sober
- Try talking to other people with substance misuse problems as they understand what you're going through
- Make time to sit down and think about your life. Think about what you are doing to yourself and other around you. You have to be selfish for a while and think about what you need to do.
- Seek support from someone who has been in a similar situtation*
*many of our recovery workers have personal experience of substance misuse and have been through the recovery journey.
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