In the run-up to World Hepatitis Day, we have been working hard to support more people to get treatment for Hepatitis C. We are working hard to help people learn more about testing and treatment.
Matthew, who recently completed his Hep-C treatment with our Tameside service, said:
‘I thought the treatment was going to be bad, and I’d heard lots of horror stories. That's why I put off getting treated for so long. When the Hep-C contributed to me being hospitalised with liver failure I realised I needed to get treated.’’
The support from everyone at Change Grow Live Tameside was amazing. They were supportive and put me at ease when explaining the treatment process.’’
Johnathan, our Regional Hepatitis-C Lead, said:
We knew we could increase testing, so we carried out a targeted piece of work alongside our frontline staff and partner agencies within the Operational Delivery Network (ODN)’’ said Johnathan Occleshaw,
There has been stigmatism around treatment for Hep-C in the past. The old treatment support was 50% effective and many people became ill during the process. This affected on the numbers accepting treatment."
The new treatment was introduced in 2017 with a success rate of over 96%! It’s a tablet a day for three months with rare side effects. Getting tested for Hep-C is quick, free, and easy. Get in touch with us to find out more and book your test: