Oasis Recovery Communities Bradford - Medically managed

Oasis Recovery Communities Bradford courtyard

This 17-bed detox centre is a safe, supportive environment offering medical support and several therapy options. They create a unique care plan for each person and are well equipped to support people with limited mobility. 

This provider is a part of the West Midlands Detox Framework. Find out what the West Midlands Detox Framework is and whether your service is a part of it.

Find the wait times for this provider via the West Midlands Detox Framework.

Find the detox wait times for this provider via the National Detox Framework wait times page.


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“When I first came in I was scared and on the second day, I wanted to go home. I feel the staff have given great support and the groups have been good and very helpful. I am prepared for my next stage and have support once I leave. Thanks Oasis.” 

Find us

  • 21a Bolling Road
    West Yorkshire BD4 7BG

Contact us

Phone: 0203 131 0661

Email: [email protected]

For more information about our service, please visit our website