Staying safe on a night out – our tips and advice

drink and drugs purple icon

If you’re planning a night out involving alcohol or drugs, it’s important to make sure you keep yourself and others safe.

This page will give you advice and tips on how to enjoy your night while staying safe, especially when it comes to drugs and alcohol.


Tips for a safer night

Charge your phone beforehand. This might seem obvious, but it will help you to keep in contact with people and get home safely at the end of the night.

Keep you and your drink safe. Keep your drink close by and keep an eye on it to avoid spiking. You can find out more about spiking further down this page.

Stay low and go slow. Pace yourself with alcohol or any drugs. Drink water throughout the night to stay hydrated, especially if you’re dancing or in a hot place.

Avoid mixing. Switching between different types of alcohol can make you drunker faster, as each one affects you differently. Mixing alcohol and drugs can be very dangerous.

You can find out more about how different substances interact with each other on the website Drugs and Me, by following the link below:

Drugs and Me: find out how alcohol interacts with other substances.

Keep an eye on other people. Make sure the people you are with are safe and enjoying themselves. If someone leaves, make sure the group knows where they’ve gone.

Have a plan for getting home. It can help to have a backup route home just in case your original plan is no longer possible.

Travel safely. If possible, avoid travelling alone and avoid isolated or poorly lit areas. Use a reputable transportation or ridesharing service, and let other people know the details of your journey.

Don't be afraid to call for help. If someone might be having problems because of drugs or alcohol or for any other reason, call for help. 

If someone is unconscious or having difficulty breathing, always call 999. Don't worry; the ambulance won't bring the police unless it's a very specific situation.

Place the person in the recovery position, unless they’ve had a heavy blow to the back or head. Here’s a quick guide to the recovery position. If you don’t remember, get them on their side.

Keep yourself safe from spiking

Spiking is giving someone alcohol or drugs without their knowledge.

In most cases, being spiked involves someone adding something to your drink. This is usually a substance like a ‘date rape’ drug or alcohol.

Spiking is never the fault of the person who has been spiked, and it is not something to feel ashamed or guilty about. Spiking someone is illegal, but people who have been spiked often don’t report it.

You can keep yourself and others safe by knowing what to look for and what to do if someone has been spiked. Read more by following the link below:

Spiking – what to know and what to look for.

Managing the next day

Alcohol and drugs can be tough on your body and leave you feeling sick, tired and worn out the next day.

It’s important to let your body rest and to stay hydrated. Eating healthy food can also help you to feel better quicker.

If you’ve drunk a lot the night before, your body may still have alcohol in the system. Don't drive the next day to limit the chance of an accident or getting into trouble for drink driving.

If you’ve taken drugs on a night out, you might have an unpleasant comedown the next day.

Find out more about comedowns and how to manage them y following the link below:

How to manage a comedown