David Bowerman - A Tribute to our Former Chair 2nd July 2020 We were saddened to hear of the passing of David Bowerman.
Thank you Mike 29th June 2020 Our Executive Director Mike Pattinson will be leaving Change Grow Live in July.
Time for a new normal - A guest blog by Mat Southwell 26th June 2020 A guest blog about harm reduction and the response to coronavirus by Mat Southwell - Project Executive for Support Don't Punish.
Listening to people who use our services during the coronavirus pandemic 18th June 2020 By working together, adapting, and noticing how people wanted their voices to be heard, we heard multiple voices - loudly.
Black Lives Matter - our statement 11th June 2020 We commit to working with others to fight racism and intolerance in the health and social care sector and beyond to make a better society for everyone.
Charity websites have never been so important – so how do we make sure our content is useful? 29th May 2020 When it comes to our website, nothing is more important than getting the content and language right.
Introducing intelligent fingerprinting – better, safer drug testing 20th May 2020 We explain how fingerprint drug testing works, and how it’s helping us support people during the coronavirus pandemic.
How we're supporting people during the coronavirus pandemic 15th April 2020 Today Public Health England published their guidance for commissioners and providers of services for people who use drugs and alcohol. We fully support this guidance. Please download and share our plans if you think they will be helpful.
Looking after people on medication-assisted treatment during the coronavirus pandemic 27th March 2020 A statement from our CEO Mark Moody about the decisions we have made in relation to medication-assisted treatment (MAT)