Smoking advice for friends and family
It can be difficult to let someone know you want them to stop smoking. Once they have decided for themself that they want to quit, your encouragement and support will really help. You can talk to them about how they want to quit, and help them find what works for them. There's lots of free support available.
Helpful info to share
Stress and quitting smoking
Stress and smoking are linked - but not in the way you might think.
Stop smoking aids
Find the right stop smoking aid or nicotine replacement therapy.
What to do if you have a slip up
Having a slip up and smoking when you're trying to quit is not something to feel ashamed about. And it does not mean you’ve failed.
NHS Smokefree
There's lots of helpful info and advice on the NHS Smokefree website.

Find support for your friends and family
Smoke Free – Hull
Support for people living in Hull who want to quit smoking.
Be Smoke Free - Manchester
Support for people living in Manchester who want to quit smoking.
Newcastle Stop Smoking + Service
Support for people living in Newcastle who want to quit smoking.
Find your local service
Find a free stop smoking service near your friend or family member.