Alfie’s Christmas Eve Risotto

Roasted tomatoes and mushroom risotto with asparagus, mixed nuts, and parmesan. An easy delicious wholesome meal to feed the family that should keep them going until the feast.
- 1 cup Arborio or Carnarli rice
- 10-15 Chestnut Mushrooms
- 1-2 Shallots cut into small cubes
- 3 big cloves garlic
- Bunch of Thyme
- 10-15 Cherry tomatoes
- 6-7 Asparagus
- Two handfuls Almonds
- 2 teaspoons of dry inactive yeast
- Half a glass of Almond Milk
- Add Porcini mushrooms and salt to cold water in a pot and let simmer (will be stock)
- Slice Chestnut mushrooms and marinate in olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme and garlic
- Roast at 180 degrees or cook in a frying pan until cooked (not long). Once cooked put on the side.
- Cut and marinate tomatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic. Roast in a tray at 200 degrees. Once cooked leave on one side.
- Clean and stalk the asparagus and blanch it quickly (we want it crunchy) in the mushroom stock that is still simmering then put on side in a bowl with a touch of olive oil, salt and pepper.
- Toast the almonds then blitz them quickly in a food processor or chop roughly and put in a bowl with a few spoons of active dry yeast (our parmesan)
- Sweat shallots in a large pot with a whole garlic clove, rosemary twigs, olive oil and black pepper on a low flame being careful not to burn. Once onions are soft remove garlic and rosemary and add rice keeping flame low.
- Mix the rice always clockwise ensuring every grain gets toasted and covered in oil then add almond milk. Keep mixing until then add Porcini mushroom stock to cover rice and add a little salt. Keep stirring the risotto and adding broth when it gets dry.
- Once rice is ready (about 20 minutes but taste it) add roasted tomatoes and chestnut mushrooms. Keep stirring and add more stock.
- Add some almonds and yeast mix and keep stirring. Once ready it should be creamy. Serve the rice on a plate topped with asparagus and almond parmesan.