Celebrating one year of the Safety at Night bus
We're celebrating one year since we launched our Safety at Night bus, which helps vulnerable people at night within the Kirklees area.
It’s almost been a year since we partnered with Locala, Safer Kirklees and West Yorkshire Police to run a new outreach service for women using the night time economy.
The Safety at Night bus is situated in Huddersfield Town Centre on a Wednesday and Saturday evening. It offers a safe space for women and anyone vulnerable while out at night.
The bus is staffed by team members from our service and LOCALA, who offer harm reduction advice around drugs and alcohol, prevention tools such as anti-spiking bottle toppers and condoms for people to keep themselves safe.
We also help in any other way we can, from charging phones, to supporting with taxis and even plasters for sore feet!
Our Safety at Night bus also supports the local community through helping to increase the confidence of those experiencing sexual harassment and violent offences to report these crimes. The team are trained in how to work with, and support victims of sexual and violent offences.
The bus continues to be well used and popular, and the team regularly engages with over 100 people on Saturday evenings. During its opening month in September 2022, the Safety at Night bus supported Huddersfield University’s “Huddcrawl” and engaged with 800 students and provided 179 anti-spiking bottle stoppers, alongside harm reduction advice!
You can read some feedback we’ve received from the bus below:
“This is amazing! There should be something like this in every town.”
“I feel much more assured my daughters are safe on nights out with the safety bus being in town.”
“Well done guys, keeping people safe.”
“Wow amazing work! Well done to all partners. This is so needed, and I hope it long continues!”
“Fantastic piece of work from Change Grow Live and partners.“