Advice and info
Whether you're looking for help with drugs, alcohol, homelessness, or your mental health and wellbeing, we've got advice that can help.
If it's someone else's wellbeing you're worried about, we've got advice that can help you support them too.
Alcohol and drugs
Advice and information on alcohol and drugs
Friends and family
Ways to help a friend or family member who you're worried about.
Under 25
Advice for people under 21 around drugs, alcohol, wellbeing and more.
Health and wellbeing
How to look after your mental, emotional and physical health or help a friend.
Advice if you're homeless or at risk
Accommodation and housing advice
Advice for people going to prison
Advice on the support that's available in prison and useful links.

Peer support
Making positive changes in your life is easier when you have other people to support you.
Make a referral
Refer yourself or someone else to Change Grow Live for help.
Information for professionals
Speak to our webchat team for advice on services for patients or clients.
Get help and support right now
Where to go and who to speak to if you need urgent help.