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What’s new in Newham Rise
We are pleased to announce that Lauren Mulligan has returned to Change Grow Live Newham Rise taking up the post of Services Manager.
Hello, I’m Lauren, the new Services Manager at Newham Rise.
A lot of you will know me as I’ve been around in various roles within Newham Rise since 2015. It feels really good to be back – I love working in the borough and am really excited for the service’s future. There has been a fair bit of change recently which has created a lot of new opportunities but may also be slightly confusing.
I’m always around if you want to chat, give feedback, ask questions or talk about new ways to collaborate. Give me a call at 07584385665 or drop me an email at [email protected]
Women sex workers community hub
Working with Hestia, we are proud to introduce the women-only hub, which has been created to support the women's sex work community. It provides a safe space and access to additional support from a variety of services.
Currently, we have drop-ins twice a week:
- Wednesday evening 6pm - 9pm
- Friday morning 9am - 12pm
The services available include:
- Shower facilities
- Clothes washing
- Clothes bank
- Condoms, tampons, breakfast, snacks, soft drinks
- Blood born virus testing and treatment
- Needle exchange and naloxone.
- Support to register for free STI kits.
- Arts and crafts.
- A safe space to talk confidentially
- Harm minimisation and reduction advice
Please be aware that this is a women’s only safe space. Information about the hub should be shared directly with women who would benefit from it.
Get in touch if you wish to contribute to what the service offers. If you'd like to refer to the Hub you can contact either Parice at [email protected] or Hestia directly at [email protected]. You can also tell the women the hub's opening times and invite them to pop along themselves.
News from the young people and family and carers team
The Young People’s Service is now working with the 18 to 25-year-olds who are currently under the Newham adult probation service. This 1-year post is aimed at working with young adults to transition them into adult services and provide a more intense support package. This transitional team includes other services across the borough such as a homelessness team, education, and employment link workers.
Please contact [email protected] for more info.
How are we getting on with Entry into Service?
On the 4th of April 2022, we launched Entry into Service. This has seen the structure of the service changing to allow our high street hub to support people new to the service.
Our recovery hub has also undergone some changes, whilst the Entry into Service hub supports newly-referred people. The recovery hub has been set up to support existing people who use the service to focus on the coordination of their recovery. This has enabled more space for psychosocial support of both psychological and social needs, such as the increase in our group work.

Building Recovery in Community (BRIC)
The BRiC team has been very busy lately!
A free English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) training offer is available at the Gainsborough house training college. It's focused on supporting people to achieve various qualifications such as cookery, cake making, maths, and dressmaking.
We hosted an open day in April 2022. This was very successful, with 19 people attending and signing up for the available courses. 18 people fully enrolled! Quarterly open days will be set up at Newham Rise to facilitate more people to enroll - we'll let you know when the next one is.
In collaboration with Newham Active, a free gym membership pass for three months is now available to the people who use our service. The membership can be renewed for an extra three months subject to availability.
The eligibility criteria is:
- The person must be currently engaged in treatment with Newham Rise Drug and Alcohol Service.
- They must be regularly attending key working sessions, and POD groups in line with their recovery support plan.
- They must have been engaged in treatment for a minimum of 6 weeks and have begun their own recovery journey
Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
Newham Rise now has an employment service where we can support people to get back into work. The support will be available in the lead up to finding work and whilst in employment.
Some example jobs on offer with our employment team are:
- Construction
- Care work
- Security
- Retail
- Hospitality
Ever since launching the employment service, we have received a great turnaround of referrals. We are pleased to say that so far, we have placed seven people into work. They have all been in different stages of their recovery, and employment has really shown improvement in their general wellbeing.
One person said:
I feel more in control of my life since I started work and now that I am busy at work, I don't have time or feel like using. My confidence has gone up with the support I have received from my employment coach"
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